
Showing posts from October, 2021

Skilled Nursing Facility- Small Dry-Erase Board and Marker

  White Board Uses for Adults: 1 . Low-tech  AAC          -A clinician may use a white-board to give choices, or to create a keyboard.         -The patient can write or draw what they are trying to communicate. 2. Following directions          -Providing verbal and written directions can give the patient multi modal stimulus. 3. Games         - Jeopardy :answering questions, naming items in a category, listing sequence of events         - Hangman :word finding         

Skilled Nursing Facility: Peg Board Puzzle

  Peg Board Uses for Adults: 1 . Target Attention - Allows the patient to target following directions row by row and color by color. - Clinician can make the task more complex by using 4 to 5 different colors. - Have the patient create a more complex task using two to three different color sequences (i.e., red, blue, red, yellow, blue, yellow, red, blue, red) - Generate conversation about colors in reference to other activities of daily living (i.e., clothes) 2.  Memory -Clinician can make a simple pattern of only one to two colors to work on memory 3. Left Neglect - Have the peg board and pattern on opposite sides of the table to encourage visual scanning

Skilled Nursing Facility: Clothing

  Clothing Uses for Adults: 1 . Target Attention - Encourage discussion about stores the patient likes to shop for clothing.  - Discuss about the clothes styles or things a family member likes to wear 2.  Categorization  -Have the patient sort clothes by colors, sizes, and texture (.i.e. big to small, silk to cotton). 3. Problem Solving -Have the patient sort out an outfit for each season: Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. - Have the patient sort out an outfit for each occasion: Church, Gala, Movies Night, and etc

Skilled Nursing Facility: Deck of Playing Cards

         Card Uses for Adults: 1. Target Attention               - Sorting or matching by color, number or suit.    2.  Memory -With cards facing down, have patient turn two cards over and then face down again Have  the patient then  find the same two cards again. -For delayed recall, have the patient name the two cards they turned over after answering an      unrelated question or participating in a small activity.                3. Left Neglect         -Lining up cards in a line and having identify or sort them to encourage scanning. 4. Executive Function         Card games: require memory, strategy and attentiveness                    -Old Maid                    -Gin Rummy                      -Go Fish!                      -Bridge

Early Intervention: Magnets

  Magnet Uses for Young Children: 1. Expressive  Language -Can be used to communicate wants and needs such as “I want”, “I need”, and “more please”. -Can be used to identify/say common objects such as food, colors, animals, and numbers.          2. Receptive Language -Identifying spatial concepts such as in front of, behind, above, below, inside, outside, and beside. For example, instructing the child to point to or move the cow above  the giraffe. -Can be used to point to common objects such as food, colors, animals, and numbers. -Allow child to follow directions (1-step or 2-step) such as instructing child to put items away . 3. Articulation     - Can be used to practice CVC sounds/words such as “cat”, “bat”, “dog”, “cow”, and “mat”.

Early Intervention: Potato Head

  Potato Head Uses for Young Children: 1. Expressive     -Encourage verbal requests -Can be used to label body parts, colors and objects          2. Receptive -Can be used to identify body parts and colors through pointing 3. Reinforcement     -Can be used as positive reinforcement

Skilled Nursing Facility: Picture Cards

                                         Picture Cards Uses for Adults:   1. Rehabilitation               -Rehabilitate clients ability to name common objects .   -Client can match cards to identify common object function               2. Activities of Daily Living          -Picture cards can address clients activities of daily living

Early Intervention: Puzzles

  Puzzle Uses for Young Children: 1.  Expressive Language               -Can be used to encourage utterances -Can be used to identify colors -Can be used to evoke environmental/non-speech sounds -Can be used to name/identify common objects   2.  Receptive -  Can be used to identify animals, colors and objects             3. Articulation -Can be used to evoke sounds to form syllables

Early Intervention: Play-Doh

  Play-Doh Uses for Young Children: 1. Language opportunity     -allow child to manipulate play dough while modeling words like:  "roll" "squish" "poke" "bounce"      -Engage  in pretend play by making animals, food, or target words          2. Splat card     -Laminate and activity and allow client to smush play dough after completing each trial or question 3. Articulation     -Make a model of a tongue and teeth to show /r/ placement

Early Intervention: Bubbles

  Bubble Uses for Young Children: 1. Requesting          Promotes child making requests such as "open", "more" and "my turn". 2. Expressive          -Introduce new vocabulary such as dipping, blowing, waving, shaking, floating, stomping, popping.          -Discuss descriptions such as big, small, high, low and wet. 3. Articulation          -Bilabial sounds: /p/, /b/, /m/ for   "pop" "blow" "bubbles" "more         4. Games          -Taking Turns          -Counting as you pop the bubbles          -Popping them with different body parts             

School Setting: Books

  Uses for Books with School-Age Children: 1. Expressive Language -Can be used to describe the main idea and details -Can be used to ask Wh questions -Can be used for category naming -Can be used to describe events  2.  Receptive Language          - Can be used for Inferencing and making predictions -Can be used to identify sequencing event from first, next, then, and last - Can be used to Answering WH Questions -Can be used to identify/point to context clues 3.   Articulation          - Can be used for targeted sounds at the word, sentence, or conversational level

School Setting: Worksheets

  Worksheet Uses with School-Age Children: 1. Expressive Language          -Promoting making appropriate requests (crayon color) -Identifying attributes 2.  Receptive Language          -Answering "wh" questions           3. Pragmatics          -Increase pragmatic skills by discussing their color choices with a group of peers 4. Articulation          -Used to practice target sounds          

School Setting- HeadBanz

  Uses for Hedbanz with School-Age Children: 1. Expressive Language          -Student has to describe the card without naming the picture to practice descriptive language          -In a group setting, a student draws a card and adds a sentence to an ongoing story using their card 2.  Receptive Language          -Practicing skills in following directions to engage in the game correctly          -Answering questions from other players trying to find out their card 3. Categorization          -Sort cards by categories (food, animals..)          -Sort cards by function (things you ride, things you eat..) 4. Compare Contrast          -name similarities or differences between two cards 5. Articulation          -Use cards with target sound          -Reinforcement for completing  articulation drills

School Setting: Photographic Learning Cards

  Photographic Learning  Card Uses with School-Age Children: 1. Expressive Language -Name pictures and describe the items pictured -Labeling items and their categories 2.  Receptive Language           -Can be used to identify adjectives and adverb -Can be used to answer Wh questions -Sequencing events -Identify common objects 3. Vocabulary          -Increase vocabulary skills through visuals 4. Pragmatics          - Can be used to stimulate conversation and discussion with group of peers -Promote turn taking skills

School Setting: BINGO

  BINGO Uses with School-Age Children: 1. Expressive Language          -Teaching attributes -Teaching directions 2.  Receptive Language          -Answering "wh" questions 3. Categories          -Identifying items in the same category           4. Pragmatics          -Used to promote positive social skills (e.g., turn taking) 5. Articulation          -Use to practice target sound